Two weekends ago, we went to a plant sale hosted by a local Asian community garden. In addition to shiso, various species of basil and several other recognizable kitchen herbs and vegetables, we bought a plant that was completely new to us.
It is a climber, making me think it is a pea or a related legume, and it has leaves that look like maple leaves. (It has more than three leaflets, so I am relatively certain it is not poison ivy.) The older Hmong woman who sold it to us spoke very little English, but in response to my "What is it?" question held out her hand in what I assumed was an imitation of the maple leaf shape of the leaf foliage.
It has started growing very nicely and has flower buds on it. (It was 95 degrees today here in Dallas, so the profuse growth doesn't surprise me too much.) But I would greatly appreciate any help in identifying this delightful surprise before harvest time...especially if the leaves/shoots are the best parts to eat.
1 comment:
Kirk, it looks like the leaves of "ampalaya" or bitter melon. The flowers will turn into a green warty looking oblong-shaped fruit. It is a vegetable that you can stir fry. It has medicinal properties. Good for people with diabetes and anemia. It has a distinctive bitter taste to it. This a common vegetable that can be found in the Philippines.
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