Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"The Dumbest, The Poorest, The Fattest"

The Hotline, National Journal's blog, has done an analysis
of three recent state-by-state rankings.

They compared each state's performance on the following measures: SAT scores, poverty and obesity, thus developing the subject list.

Their analysis, in part:

So, in order, here are the states with the 5 best and 5 worst average rankings:

CO 40.67
MN 40.00
UT 39.67
WI 39.33
CT 38.67

SC 7.33
TX 8.00
WV 10.00
GA 10.67
MS 11.67

Other points worth mentioning:

. SC has the worst average ranking of SAT score, obesity rate and poverty rate (7.3). . CO has the best (40.7).
. NH and IA are 8th and 9th best, respectively, when you average the three rankings (37.0 and 36.33).
. TX is the only state to be in the bottom 10 for each category.
. MS comes in at number one in obesity and poverty

Now, why is it that we pay so much attention to Lindsey Graham, George Bush, Robert Byrd, Saxby Chambliss and Trent Lott?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006