The Chicago Tribune reports today that competitive bicyclists who take The Little Blue Pill can improve their cycling performance on mountain roads by close to 50 percent.
Some cyclists have more trouble than others in sustaining high levels of exertion at mountainous elevations, wrote reporter Miriah Meyer.
"For these cyclists, taking Viagra improved their performance up to 45 percent, which would allow a cyclist racing in the high Rocky Mountains to cover a stretch of road in 39 minutes that would otherwise take an hour."
"'The participants told us that while they were riding the bike they didn't know whether they were on the drug or not,' said [one of the scientists who led the study]. 'However, what they did say was that in the showers afterward they pretty much knew which pill they had been given.'"
Insert your own joke about gearshifts, sticking it to the competition, crossing the finish line first, etc., etc. here.